Laguna San Juan

Hello Residents!

For the week of 8/7/23: Our crew will be working on touch-up this week. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. 

For the week of 7/31/23: Lots 225-217 will have trim, garage doors, and front door painted this week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 7/24/23: Lots 208-216 will be be completed on Monday (trim). Lots 225-217 will be power washed and prepped, followed by painting throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 7/17/23: Lots 208-216 will be prepped and painted throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 7/10/23: Lots 202-207 will be completed this week (trim and garage doors). Lots 226-232 will be power washed on Monday followed by prepping and painting throughout the week (lots 208-216 will be power washed on Friday). Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 7/3/23: We’ll be closed on Monday and Tuesday in observance of Independence Day. Starting Wednesday, garage doors will be painted for lots 169-173 & 195-201. Lots 202-207 will be power washed on Wednesday, followed by prepping and painting. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 6/26/23: Lots 169-173 & 195-201 will be power washed on Monday for prepping and painting throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 6/19/23: Lots 185-194 will be power washed on Monday for prepping and painting throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 6/12/23: Lots 174-184 will be power washed on Monday followed by prepping and painting throughout the week. Front doors will be painted on Tuesday for lots 143-151 & 160-168. Front and garage doors will be painted on Tuesday for lots 152-159. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 6/5/23: Homes from the previous week will be completed on Monday along with front and garage doors. Lots 152-159 will be power washed on Tuesday followed by prepping and painting. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 5/29/23: Closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day Lots 143-151 & 160-168 will be power washed on Tuesday, followed by prepping and painting. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 5/22/23: Lots 119-126, 127-130, 131-134, & 135-142 will be power washed on Monday followed by prepping and painting. Garage doors will be painted for lots 100-112 on Monday and garage doors will be painted on Monday and Tuesday. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 5/15/23: Lots 95-99 & 113-118 will be completed on Monday (doors and trim) and Lots 100-106 & 107-112 will be power washed on Monday, followed by prepping and painting throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 5/8/23: Lots 95-99 & 113-118 will be power washed on Monday, followed by prepping and painting throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 5/1/23: Lots 84-94 will be power washed, prepped, and painted throughout the week. Please remove and keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 4/24/23: Lots 71-83 will continue being painted this week (garage doors, front doors, and fascia will continue). Please keep any decor, vegetation, etc. off the exterior of your home and keep any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 4/17/23: Lots 73-83 will continue to be painted this week (after the main body of the homes are finished, the trim & garage doors will be painted). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 4/10/23: The trim and garage doors for lots 61-72 will be painted on Monday. Lots 73-83 will be power washed on Monday followed by prepping and painting all week. Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 4/3/23: The backside of lots 58-72 will be painted on Monday-Wednesday. Garage doors and trim will be painted for 58-72 on Thursday and Friday. Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 3/27/23: Lots 51-61 will continue to be painted though Tuesday. Lots 62-71 will be power washed on Monday and prepped and painted throughout the week (& will continue next week). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 3/20/23: Lots 52-61 will continue being painted throughout the week (62-72 are expected to be power washed next Monday, weather permitting). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 3/13/23: Lots 52-61 will continue being prepped and painted throughout the week.  Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 3/6/23: Lots 41-51 will be completed on Tuesday. Lots 52-61 will be power washed and prepped on Wednesday, followed by painting. Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 2/27/23: Lots 31-40 will be completed on Monday (garage doors and trim). Lots 41-51 will be power washed and prepped on Tuesday, followed by painting. Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 2/20/23: Lots 21-30 will be completed on Tuesday (delayed from last week due to wet weather). Lots 31-40 will be painted throughout the week (following 21-30). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 2/13/23: Lots 21-30 will continue to be painted throughout the week followed by power washing and painting of lots 31-40 (weather permitting). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 2/6/23: Lots 11-20 will continue being painted this week followed by power washing of lots 21-30 (painting will begin if time and weather permits). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 1/30/23: Lots 8-10 will have the trim painted in order to complete the exterior. Lots 11-20 will be prepped and painted throughout the week (weather permitting). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 1/23/23: Lots 1-10 will continue being painted throughout the week. Lots 11-20 will be power washed on Thursday (prepping and painting next week). Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 1/16/23: No painting on Monday due to rain. Lots 1-10 will be power washed, prepped, and painted throughout the week. Please remove and keep off any decor, vegetation, etc. from the exterior of your home and place any patio furniture into the center of your patio or indoors. Please make sure pets are secured indoors. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 1/9/23: The clubhouse will continue being painted followed by painting of the iron pool fence (repairs are being completed prior to the fence painting). Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 1/2/23: Painting is delayed due to inclement weather. The clubhouse will be power washed and then painted starting Wednesday. If you have any questions, please contact our office.