Canyon Trails 2023
Hello Residents
For the week of 10/2/23: Culvert rails throughout the community will be painted this week. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 9/25/23: Common area walls in Zone 5 section 15 will start being prepped in the direction of the arrow. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 9/18/23: Common area walls in Zone 3 sec 8 will continue being painted in the early part of the week. Zone 4 sec 9 common area walls will start being painted on Tuesday. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 9/11/23: Common area walls marked in white in Zone 3 will be prepped and painted. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 9/4/23: We’re closed Monday for Labor Day. Common area walls in green will be prepped and painted in Zone 3 starting Tuesday. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 8/28/23: Common area walls in Zone 2 (marked below in white) will be prepped and painted this week. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 8/21/23: Common area walls in Zone 2 section 11 will be prepped and painted this week, starting at the blue highlighted area. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 8/14/23: Common area walls marked in yellow in Zones 1 & 2 will be prepped and painted this week. Please contact our office with any questions.
For the week of 8/7/23: Common area walls in Zone 3 will start being prepped and painted. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
For the week of 7/31/23: The remaining common area walls in Zone 1 will continue to be painted (in red). Please contact our office if you have any questions.
For the week of 7/24/23: Common area walls in Zone 3 will continue to be painted (in red). Common area walls in section 1 (blue) will be prepped and will start to be painted. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
For the week of 7/17/23: Common area walls in Zone 3 are starting to be prepped and painted throughout the week. If you have any questions, please contact our office.