Trilogy at Power Ranch 2020

Hello Residents

For the week of 1/18/21: The pool area painting will be completed on Monday. 

For the week of 1/11/21: Our crew will be painting common walls (yellow), iron at the pool, and common area iron (red) this week. Please contact our office with any questions.  

For the week of 1/4/21: Common area walls in yellow will be prepped and painted this week. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 12/21/20: Common area walls in Sections 9A & 9B will starting being painted Monday-Wednesday. Our job site and office will be closed Wednesday afternoon (12/23) and will reopen on Monday, January 4th, 2021. 

For the week of 12/14/20: Common area walls in Section 7C will continue being painted and common walls in 8A & 8B will also begin to be painted. Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 12/7/20: Common area walls in Section 7C will be painted throughout the week and Section 8A will be power washed. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions. 

For the week of 11/30/20: Painting for common area walls in Section 7A will be completed on Monday. Common area walls in section 7C will be power washed on Monday and painted throughout the week. Feel free to contact our office with questions. 

For the week of 11/23/20: Common area walls in Section 6 will be painted on Monday and Tuesday. Common walls in Section 7A will be power washed on Tuesday followed by painting. We’ll be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving.

For the week of 11/16/20: Common area walls in Section 4 will start being washed and painted, followed by walls in Section 6. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 11/9/20: Common area walls marked in ORANGE will be painted Monday-Thursday. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 11/2/20: Common walls in PURPLE will be power washed this week (orange was washed last week). Common area walls in section 5 will be painted this week as well. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 10/26/20: Common area walls marked in ORANGE will be repaired and painted Monday-Thursday (areas marked in BLUE are done). Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 10/19/20: Common area walls marked in YELLOW will be repaired Mon-Thurs. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 10/12/20: Common area walls marked in BLUE are being painted on Monday and Tuesday. The area highlighted in PEACH will have stucco repaired on Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 10/5/20: Common area walls marked in RED will be prepped and repaired this Monday through Thursday. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 9/28/20: Common area walls marked in RED will be prepped, repaired, and primed throughout the week. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 9/21/20: The common area walls (marked in PURPLE on first pic) will have stucco repair done throughout the week and the common area walls (marked in RED on second pic) will be painted. If you have any questions, please contact our office. 

For the week of 9/14/20: Common area walls (marked in PURPLE) will be trenched, prepped, and repaired throughout the week. The areas marked in red may begin being prepped if time allows. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 9/7/20: (Closed Labor Day) Common area walls will be trenched, prepped, and repaired starting Tuesday and will continue through the week (marked in RED). They will be power washed starting Thursday. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.