G-Diamond Ranch

August 17, 2020 April No Comments

G-Diamond Ranch

Hello Residents

For the week of 8/24: A few remaining common area walls will be painted on Monday, as well as the monument signs and ramadas. This will complete all scheduled painting in the community. 

For the week of 8/17/20: All common area walls marked in orange will be painted throughout the week and are expected to be completed on Friday. This will wrap up all painting to be done in the community. Please contact our office with any questions. 

For the week of 8/10: Remaining common area walls will finished being prepped on Monday. Painting for the common area walls (marked in purple) will begin Monday afternoon starting along Kortsen Rd. Feel free to contact our office with any questions.

For the week of 8/3: Common area walls will begin being prepped on Thursday at the homes along Kingman Pl (facing Kortsen Rd) then around and throughout the community. Feel free to contact our office with any questions. 

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