Hello Residents! For the week of 12/19/22: Common area walls marked in yellow and the community monument signs will be painted this week (all walls marked in pink are done). Feel free to contact our office with any questions. Our…
Read moreCarriage Trails HOA
Hello Residents! For the week of 10/3/22: The remaining common area walls (from last week) will be painted on Monday. This will wrap up all painting that’s scheduled in the community. Please contact our office with any questions. For the…
Read moreThe Trails HOA
Hello Residents For the week of 10/17/22: Iron repairs will be started on Monday. For view fences that were skipped, please have any chx wire/critter fencing, vegetation, lights, decor, etc. removed from the iron for our final return this Thursday…
Read moreWindrose
Hello Residents For the week of 10/24/22: The last of the common area walls will be completed on Monday. This will wrap up all painting schedule in the community. Please contact our office with any questions. For the week of…
Read moreSierra Montana HOA
Hello Residents! For the week of 10/24/22: We’ll make our final return in an attempt to paint view fences that were previously skipped throughout the community due to chicken wire, vegetation, locked gates, decor, pets in the yard, etc. (starting…
Read moreCachet at The Wigwam
Hello Residents! For the week of 9/5/22: We’ll be closed on Monday for Labor Day. Our iron crew will return on Tuesday to complete the remaining wrought iron that was started last week. Please remove any vegetation, chicken wire/critter fencing,…
Read moreMirage Crossing
Hello Residents For the week of 4/17/23: The common area perimeter wall and monument sign painting will be completed on Monday. Touch-ups will be completed on Tuesday. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. For the week of…
Read moreHillcrest Ranch 2022
Hello Residents For the week of 8/8/22: Common area walls marked in white will be prepped and painted this week. If you have any questions, please contact our office. For the week of 8/1/22: Common area walls marked in orange…
Read moreSundial 2022
Hello Residents For the week of 9/5/22: We’re closed Monday for Labor Day. Our crew will be working on a common wall repair this week. If you have any questions, please contact our office. For the week of 8/29/22: Common…
Read moreRock Springs HOA 2022
Hello Residents! For the week of 1/2/2023: Happy New Year! Our iron crew will be in the community on Thursday and Friday only in an attempt to paint any skipped homeowner view fence. Notifications were emailed to residents by the…
Read moreRed Mountain Ranch
Hello Residents! For the week of 10/24/22: We’ll make a final return to homes in parcel 8 (6333 & 6334 Viewmont) in an attempt to paint view fences that were previously skipped due to chicken wire, vegetation, locked gates, decor,…
Read moreCenterra HOA 2022
Hello Residents For the week of 7/11/22: The common area walls will continue to be painted and all are expected to be completed on Thursday. Please contact our office with any questions. For the week of 7/4/22: We’ll be closed…
Read moreSaguaro Woods
Hello Residents! For the week of 9/5/22: We’ll be close on Monday for Labor Day. Painting for the pool area and monument sign will be completed on Tuesday. A few remaining common walls will be painted on Wednesday. Doors and…
Read moreWest Glen Community 2022
Hello Residents! For the week of 7/11/22: Common area walls (in yellow) will continue being painted and are expected to be completed on Monday or Tuesday (walls in blue are done). Feel free to contact our office with any questions. …
Read moreFletcher Heights 2022
Hello Residents! For the week of 9/26/22: Common area walls marked in BLUE in 3A (first map) will be painted with the trim color followed by common area walls being started in section 3B (second map). The rain caused delays…
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