San Marcos Manor

Hello Residents

For the week of 10/23: Our iron crew will be (electrostatic) painting the view fencing in backyards. They are expected to be completed by the end of the week. Please watch for a notice and make sure that any vegetation, wiring, decor, etc are removed from the fencing and that pets are kept inside. Feel free to call or email with any questions.

For the week of 10/16: Our iron crew will be (electrostatic) painting the view fencing in backyards starting Wednesday. Please watch for a notice and make sure that any vegetation, wiring, decor, etc are removed from the fencing and that pets are kept inside. Feel free to call or email with any questions.

For the week of 10/9: Our iron crew will be (electrostatic) painting the view fencing in backyards starting Wednesday. Please watch for a notice and make sure that any vegetation, wiring, decor, etc are removed from the fencing and that pets are kept inside. Feel free to call or email with any questions.

For the week of 10/2: Our crew is painting the common walls facing each wash area this week. We are expected to have all painting completed on Wednesday (10/4). Feel free to call or email with any questions.

For the week of 9/25: Our crew is back on site painting the common walls facing Dynamite Blvd in the newly approved color (bottom of map below – 52nd St to the shopping center). Feel free to call or email with any questions.

For the week of 9/18: Painting has been put on hold until further notice while paint colors are reviewed. 

For the week of 9/11: Our crew is starting with prepping and repairing the common walls facing Dynamite Blvd (bottom of map below – 52nd St to the shopping center). Feel free to call or email with any questions.