Castle Chase HOA
Job has been completed.
Hello Residents
For the week of 7/10: Our crew is back on-site painting the pool clubhouse and doing any needed touch-ups on the iron view fencing throughout the community.
For the week of 6/26: Our wall crew has completed all common area walls. Our iron crew is painting the remaining iron in the PINK section; 76-85, 86-92, & going back to paint previously skipped homes. Please make sure that all vegetation, chicken wire, decor, etc is removed from the iron so they have clear access to paint. Call or email with any questions.
For the week of 6/19: Our wall crew will be painting common area facing walls in the PINK section along lots 93-116. Our iron crew will be painting rod iron view fences from lot 113-108, 105-102, & 100-94, also in the PINK section. Please make sure that all vegetation, chicken wire, decor, etc is removed from the iron so they have clear access to paint. Call or email with any questions.
For the week of 6/12: Our wall crew will be completing the common area wall painting in the ORANGE section and beginning the prepping of the PINK section (both) on Monday. Wall painting in the PINK section is expected to begin in Wednesday or Thursday. Our iron crew will be painting iron in the PINK section for lots 59-66, 67-75, & 116-114. Please make sure all vegetation, chicken wire, etc is removed from the view fencing so they have clear access to paint. Call or email with any questions.
For the week of 6/5: We have 2 crews onsite painting walls and iron in the ORANGE section. Starting Monday, our wall crew is prepping lots 58-66. On Tuesday, they will begin painting walls for lots 49-26. Our iron crew will be (electrostatic) painting view fencing for lots 26-29, 43-44, 45-51, 52-57, & 138-139. Please make sure that any decor, wiring, vegetation, etc is removed from the view fencing so our crew has clear access to paint, & please keep pets inside. Feel free to call or email with questions.
For the week of 5/30: We have 2 crews onsite this week. One crew will be painting iron view fencing in the GREEN section, starting on Salt Bush Dr and working around. The GREEN section is expected to take approximately 4 days (completed Friday, weather permitting). Our other crew will be prepping and painting common area walls in the ORANGE section this week. Please call or email with any questions.
For the week of 5/22: Our crew will continue painting common area walls in the GREEN sections through Wednesday. The ORANGE section is expected to begin on Thursday and should take approximately 2 weeks to complete. Call or email with questions.
For the week of 5/15: Our crew is onsite this week, painting the common area perimeter walls around the GREEN section. Please call or email if you have any questions.